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Dr John Ladakis is a general dental practitioner with an interest in all aspects of modern dental practice. He graduated from The University of Melbourne in 1992 with a Bachelor of Dental Science and has been working as a dentist for the past 20 years. This has included 2 years in the U.K. as a Senior House Officer in oral & maxillofacial surgery.


Dr Ladakis is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Implant Dentistry from The University of Melbourne. This post graduate programme required regular attendance at university clinics, as well as research and seminar presentation, for 2 days a week over 2 years.


Dr Ladakis is an Honorary Senior Fellow at The University of Melbourne and teaches and examines in head & neck anatomy at a post graduate level, to dentists and doctors.


Dr Ladakis is a member of the Australian Dental Association.

Dr John Ladakis

BDSc., F.R.A.C.D.S., Grad. Dip. Clin. Dent. (Implants),

Postgrad. Dip. Surg. Anat.

​Suite 2, Level 20, 15 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

© 2012

​Phone: (03) 9654 2919

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